Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Classic Who - Season 12, Story 77 - The Sontaran Experiment

"Are you coming, or going? Or going or coming?" ~ The Fourth Doctor

Harry: Okay, old thing?
Sarah Jane: Harry, I'm not a thing.

"What you're trying to say is that you're busy and you'd like us to push off." ~ Sarah Jane Smith

"Trafalgar Square should be that way. If this is Piccadilly.  Mind the traffic." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Well, no. I'm a sort of travelling time expert. As you can see, Earth's been habitable for several thousand years, but they didn't wake up. Why? Clock stopped. Overslept. So here I am." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Horologist, actually. And chronometrist. I just love clocks. Atomic clocks, wall quartz clocks, grandfather clocks...Cuckoo clocks." ~ The Fourth Doctor

The 4th Doctor: I've lost my sonic screwdriver. I feel completely lost without it.
Sarah Jane: I found your sonic screwdriver. Doctor, the pit.
The 4th Doctor: Shush. What would I do without you?

"Why did you make that disagreeable noise?" ~ Field Major Styre

"Oh, it's you again. Can't say I'm delighted. It's no use pretending." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Words, Earthling, will never prevail against Sontaran might." ~ Field Major Styre

"Never throw anything away, Harry. Where's my five hundred year diary? I remember jotting some notes on the Sontarans. It's a mistake to clutter one's pockets, Harry." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Sontarans never turn down the chance to kill someone." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Those people you've been so cleverly evaluating are not Earth warriors. They're our slave class, the lowest form of human intelligence. Do you think those puny creatures could conquer half a galaxy? No, Styre, I represent the true warrior class. Evaluate me if you dare. Ah. Is that the Sontaran way? The mighty warrior sheltering behind his gun? I challenge you, Styre. Single combat. Or are you afraid?" ~ The Fourth Doctor

During shooting, lead actor Tom Baker broke his collarbone. However, because part of his costume was a large scarf, he could conceal the neck brace he had to wear following the injury. For action scenes, he was doubled by regular stunt performer Terry Walsh, shot from several face-concealing angles.

Kevin Lindsay makes his last Doctor Who appearances, playing Styre and the Sontaran Marshal. He died not long afterwards as a result of a long-standing heart condition.

The Tenth Doctor made a similar statement about being an expert on clocks:  "Well, I'm the Lord of Time, and I'm here to fix the clock." (The Girl in the Fireplace)

Links (Watch on
Part 1
Part 2

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