Brigadier: Nothing wrong with that, Miss Smith. You may not have noticed, but I'm a bit old fashioned myself.
Sarah Jane: Oh, nonsense, Brigadier. You're a swinger.
"Both a bit fast, are they? Still, you must be patient. A new body is like a new house, takes a little time to settle in. As for the physiognomy...well...nothing's perfect. Have to take the rough with the smooth. Mind you, I think the nose is a definite improvement. As for the ears, well, I'm not too sure..." ~ The Fourth Doctor
"You may be a doctor, but I'm the Doctor. The definite article, you might say." ~ The Fourth Doctor
"Well, of course you don't. Why should you? You're a busy man. You don't want to stand here burbling about my ears. Neither here nor there. I can't waste any more time. Things to do, places to go. I'm a busy man too, you know. Thank you for a most interesting conversation. Must be on my way." ~ The Fourth Doctor
Sarah Jane: Cupboard. What are you doing down there? Where's the Doctor?
Harry: Tied me up and hung me up in here like a pair of old boots.
"Can't? Can't? There's no such word as can't." ~ The Fourth Doctor
"Something that brushes chains and electric fences like cobwebs. Something intelligent, that takes only what it needs and leaves the rest. Something that kills a man as casually as it crushes a dandelion." ~ The Fourth Doctor
The 4th Doctor: Never cared much for the word impregnable. Sounds a bit too much like unsinkable.
Harry: What's wrong with unsinkable?
The 4th Doctor: Nothing, as the iceberg said to the Titanic.
"Why should some alien life form invade Earth just to steal a new weapon? If they were that advanced, they'd have weapons of their own. Ha. Rather a splendid paradox, eh, Brigadier?" ~ The Fourth Doctor
"Prime directive, you see. It's built into the robot's very being that it must serve humanity and never harm it." ~ Jellicoe
The 4th Doctor: Oh, it's surely not that difficult, Brigadier? Oh, thank you. There can't be many groups of people with the money and resources to design and build something like...
Sarah Jane: An enormous robot over seven feet tall!
The 4th Doctor: Yes, something like that. However did you guess?
"One thing about reform societies. They're never adverse to a bit of free publicity." ~ Sarah Jane Smith
"Oh dear. I do so hate being disappointed." ~ The Fourth Doctor
"No, of course not, and they know I didn't. And I know that they know that I didn't, and they know that I know that..." ~ The Fourth Doctor
"Sarah, Professor Kettlewell tells me that he has the robot hidden at his house. Gone to meet him. PS it is of course possible that this message is a trap. If it is I can deal with it. PPS I am leaving this note in case I can't. Oh, the idiot! He thinks he can cope with anything." ~ Sarah Jane Smith
"Dangerous thing, curiosity. Can get you into a lot of trouble." ~ Jellicoe
"Yes, and start a nuclear holocaust that would turn this little planet of yours into a radioactive cinder suspended in space." ~ The Fourth Doctor
"Aren't you forgetting that in science, as in morality, the end never justifies the means." ~ The Fourth Doctor
"Power? Almost unlimited. Range, well, it could drill a hole in the surface of the moon." ~ The Fourth Doctor
"The trouble with computers, of course, is that they're very sophisticated idiots. They do exactly what you tell them at amazing speed, even if you order them to kill you. So if you do happen to change your mind, it's very difficult to stop them obeying the original order, but..." ~ The Fourth Doctor
"You know, just once I'd like to meet an alien menace that wasn't immune to bullets." Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
Harry: Oh, come along now, Doctor. We're both reasonable men. Now, we both know that police boxes don't go careering around all over the place.
The 4th Doctor: Do we?
"The Brigadier wants me to address the Cabinet, have lunch at Downing Street, dinner at the Palace, and write seventeen reports in triplicate. Well, I won't do it. I won't, I won't, I won't. Why should I?" ~ The Fourth Doctor
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes." ~ The Fourth Doctor
Tom Baker debuted as the Doctor for the first time in "Robot" on 28 December, 1974. Tom Baker was chosen to play the 4th Doctor after Terrance Dicks and Barry Letts saw him in the 1973 film "The Golden Voyage of Sinbad". The main reason for his selection over the other candidates was stated to be the fact that he'd worked with special effects before.
Baker was working as a labourer at the time he got the role. Baker served as the Doctor for seven years, making him the longest running actor to play the part. In response to the numerous inquiries he gets about his time as the Doctor he often replies, "You will have to excuse me but I was drunk at the time."
He remains the most popular incarnation of the Doctor (his nearest rival not arriving until David Tennant in the revival series).
"Robot" also marks the first appearance of Harry Sullivan (played by Ian Marter). Sullivan would appear in all of Season 12, but in only two episodes of Season 13, as the production team of Philip Hinchcliffe and Bob Holmes decided to sever the Doctor's connection to UNIT and spend more time on off-planet adventures.
Additionally, "Robot" was the first serial in which location scenes were shot using Outside Broadcast videotape instead of film, an innovation that was made possible by the introduction of lightweight video cameras.
"Robot" was largely inspired by the 1933 film "King Kong" in its portrayal of sympathetic monster. Script writer Terrance Dicks also drew inspiration from The Avengers episode "The Mauritius Penny", which he co-wrote with Malcolm Hulke.
In story #200, Planet of the Dead, when Malcolm Taylor says he has read all of the files on the Doctor, the 10th Doctor asks which was his favorite. "The giant robot?" It is a reference to this episode.
Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Doctor Who: Robot (Story 75) DVD is available from Amazon.com
or download the story from iTunes, or watch via streaming on Hulu Plus.
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